Twisting Catacombs Scenery

Now that I’ve finished the Heroquest miniatures I want to work on some more furniture pieces from Zealot Miniatures to use with the game, I’ve got a lot of these to work on as I intend to use them for Advanced Heroquest too.

Painting guides and pictures are below –

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Heroquest – Chaos Sorcerer

I did manage to get him done before Christmas but I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to update or do any more painting.

This is my least favourite figure from the box, I can’t say exactly why but his style just doesn’t seem right. I can never decide if the skull is a mask or his face and the arm bands he’s wearing seem huge and rather pointless accessories, his skimpy tunic is ok but the gloves don’t really match the aesthetic .

This was actually one of the first figures I painted back in the summer, he was in different colours but I wasn’t happy with the result so he got paint stripped again. I’m still not happy with him, but after looking through google images for a while I realised I don’t like any that I’ve seen so maybe it’s just the miniature I don’t like.



With that that the Heroquest basegame is done, I’ve painted Kellars Keep and Return of the Witchlord at the same time so that should keep us busy for a while playing through them again. I’ve also got my hands on decent copies of Against the Ogre Horde and Wizards of Morcar 🙂

Painting Guide

This basically a mix of the other figures I’ve done for the game (Chaos Warriors, Skeletons and the Elfs skin)

The Skull mask or face was started with a Beasty Brown base coat then dry brushed Bonewhite followed by a Sepia Wash, I then lightly dry brushed a 50/50 mix of Bonewhite and Off White.

The horns on the helmet were base coated with Charred Brown, then blended gradually lighter towards the tip with Heavy Brown, Earth and Bone White.

From a Black undercoat the helmet, arm bands and belt were painted with Gunmetal mixed with 2 parts Black, it was then shaded with Black Wash and then highlighted with the Gunmetal and Black mix again, a final highlight of Gunmetal was applied to the sharpest edges.

The skin was painted with a base coat of Dark Flesh, then Dwarf Flesh was added to all but the deepest recesses followed by a Fleshtone Wash. I highlighted with Dwarf Flesh again and then a mix of Dwarf Flesh and Elf Flesh, a final highlight with Elf Flesh was then used on the highest points.

The gloves and boots and tunic were base coated Black and then highlighted with a mix of a little Cold Grey with Black, subsequent highlight were done with more Cold Grey added to the mix. The edge of the tunic and belt were then Painted with Glorious Gold and washed with Black Wash.



Heroquest – Gargoyle

I went for something quick and simple with this, I’m quite pleased with the result for the amount of time spent on it.


Just one more figure to paint now so I guess I will get it done before Christmas, but we have family visiting already so it will be hard to find time.

Painting Guide

The Gargoyles skin was base coated Beasty Brown and then given an Umber Wash to shade it (twice on the wings), highlights were added with Beasty Brown and then final highlight with Beasty Brown mixed with Bleached Bone. It’s tongue and gums were painted with Heavy Red, then high lighted with a mix of Heavy Red and Bleached Bone, adding more Bleached Bone for the subsequent highlights. It’s eyes are Gory Red and the teeth, toe and finger nails were all painted the same, just a base coat of Earth and then a little blending with Bleached Bone and then a wash with Umber Wash to smooth things out. The gargoyles whip was painted with a base coat of Leather Brown, then two coats of Umber Wash then a dry brush of Leather Brown followed by a light dry brush of Earth.

The armour and sword were painted Tinny Tin with the edges done in Gunmetal, all of it was then shaded with a mix of Umber and Black Wash, a light dry brush of Tinny Tin or Gunmetal was then done to bring out the raised areas. The armour straps were painted Black and then highlighted with Black mixed with Cold Grey.



Heroquest – Wizard

The last of the four heroes is now done, hopefully I can get the Gargoyle and Chaos Sorcerer done in the next few days.

heroquest_wizardI’m really not sure about the things I’ve painted on the tunic, I may try and redo them a bit better as it looked too plain without them.

Painting Guide

The wizards face was painted with a Dark Fleshtone base, then Dwarf Skin, shaded with Flesh Wash, then layered with Dwarf Skin, then Dwarf Skin mixed with Elf Skin and then finally a highlight of Elf Skin. The hair was base coated with Leather Brown, shaded with Umber Wash, highlighted with Leather brown and then a final highlight of Leather Brown mixed with Bleached Bone.

The cloak was painted with Hexed Lichen and then highlighted in layers of Hexed Lichen mixed with increasing quantities of Bleached Bone.

The tunic was base coated with Bleached Bone, then increasing quantities of Dead White was added to the Bleached Bone to highlight. His Belt was painted with Beasty Brown and then given an Umber Wash.

I painted the trousers with Night Blue, Imperial Blue, then Imperial Blue mixed with Magic Blue, and finally Magic Blue on the most prominent areas. I did the little blue triangles on the tunic with this too.

His boots and gloves were painted with Heavy Brown, given an Umber Wash, highlighted with Earth, and finally Khaki.

The wizards staff is Heavy Sienna, Umber Wash and then streaked with Heavy Sienna mixed with Gold Yellow, the top is Bright Bronze, then Glorious Gold and finally Polished Gold.


Heroquest – Orcs

The last big hurdle has gone now with all sixteen of the Orcs painted, I did them a simple colour scheme which helped a lot.

heroquest_orcsJust three more miniatures to paint, going to get cracking on the Wizard now.

Painting Guide

The Orcs skin is base coated with Heavy Green then shaded with Umber Wash, Heavy Green is used again on the raised areas and then a final highlight of Heavy Green mixed with Bleached Bone. Their eyes are Gold Yellow, then shaded with a mix of Yellow and Red Ink and just given a dot of Black for the pupil. The two protruding teeth are base coated with Earth, then blended with Bleached Bone and then finally given a coat of Umber Wash to darken them a little.

The tunic and boots are painted with Heavy Brown, shaded with Umber Wash and then highlighted with Heavy Brown again. The belt is simply Beasty Brown shaded with Umber Wash, all the metal is Gunmetal shaded with Umber and Black Wash, and then highlighted with Gunmetal again if it needs it.

The wooden weapon handles are Heavy Sienna, Umber Wash and then streaked with Heavy Sienna mixed with Gold Yellow.


Heroquest – Chaos Warrior

I’ve finished the four Chaos Warriors now, I’ve gone for the dark look but was tempted to one in each colour of the Chaos gods. My list of figures to do is still pretty big (Wizard, Chaos Sorcerer, Orcs, Gargoyle) but I’m getting there.


Painting Guide

From a Black undercoat the armour was painted with Gunmetal mixed with 2 parts Black, the edges of the armour were then Painted with Glorious Gold. The armour was then shaded with Black Wash and then highlighted with the Gunmetal and Black mix again, and the gold with Glorious Gold. The chain mail and the axe head were painted with Gunmetal mixed in equal quantities with Black, shaded with Black Wash and then dry brushed with Gunmetal.

The axe handle was painted with Charred Brown, highlighted with Earth. The grip on the handle is Heavy Brown, shaded with Umber Wash, highlighted with Heavy Brown again and then given a final highlight of Desert Yellow.

The horns on the helmet were base coated with Charred Brown, then blended with gradually lighter towards the tip with Heavy Brown, Earth and Bone White.

The gloves and boots were base coated Black and then highlighted with Vallejo Model Colour Black Grey you could probably mix a little Cold Grey with Black to get the same colour but my bottle was empty. I then gave it a Black Wash to smooth things out a little.

The small patches of trousers you can see beneath the armour are Black mixed with Cold Grey and then highlighted with Cold Grey.


Heroquest – Dwarf

Now the Dwarf from Heroquest is done too and I’m pushing on with the Chaos Warriors which are nearly done, still hoping to have my first game over the Christmas holidays –

Painting Guide

The small area of flesh on show was painted with Dark Fleshtone then Bronze Fleshtone, a highlight of Dwarf Skin and then a final highlight of Dwarf Skin mixed with Elf Flesh. His beard is base coated with Cold Grey then because there isn’t a lot of detail to dry brush I painted streaks onto it with Cold Grey mixed with Stonewall Grey, I highlighted the streaks with Stonewall Grey and then with Ghost Grey, finally a few fine streaks of Dead White were applied.

His armour and axe head is base coated Gunmetal and shaded with a Black Wash, Gunmetal is used a highlight again. The gold areas are painted with Glorious Gold shaded with Umber Wash with a Glorious Gold highlight and then a Polished Gold final highlight.

The garment under the armour is painted with Cayman Green, shaded with Black Wash, highlighted with Cayman Green and then a final highlight of Cayman Green mixed with Bleached Bone.

The Dwarfs shirt is base coated with Heavy Red, given a Black Wash, highlighted with layers of Gory Red and then a mix of Gory Red mixed with Bloody Red, then a final layer of Bloody Red.

His belt and grips on the axe handle were painted with Dark Fleshtone, then highlighted with Dark Fleshtone mixed with Bleached Bone

The boots and gloves are base-coated with Heavy Brown then shaded with Umber Wash, highlighted with Earth and then a final highlight of Earth mixed with Bleached Bone.


Heroquest – Fimir

I’ve been pretty busy the last few weeks so I haven’t had a great deal of time to do any painting, I did manage to find time for the Fimir though –

heroquest_fimir hopefully I should be more or less back to normal now and can get the rest of the game done by Christmas

Painting Guide:

I wanted the Fimir’s skin to be brown rather than green so I base coated with Earth, gave it an Umber Wash, highlighted with Earth again and then finished off with Heavy Brown on the most prominent areas.

The teeth and toenails were painted with a base coat of Desert Yellow then layered with Desert Yellow and Bleached Bone in increasing amounts until it was pure Bleached Bone, finally they were given a wash of Black and Umber. The eyes are Desert Yellow, shaded with a mix of Red and Yellow Ink. The small bumps on the tail are just Desert Yellow.

I used a base coat of Tinny Tin on the armour and bracelets, followed by a mix of Black and Umber wash, then highlight ed with Brassy Brass and the wash mix again last of all. The armour straps are Dark Fleshtone, shaded with Umber Wash and then highlighted with Dark Fleshtone and then Dark Fleshtone mixed with Bleached Bone.

The axe head and chain mail are Boltgun Metal, washed with a mix of Black and Umber, then highlighted with Boltgun Metal again. The axe handle is Desert Yellow with three coats of Umber Wash.


Heroquest – Barbarian

The Heroquest Barbarian is done, he’s probably the worst sculpt from the game as he has very little real detail.

I’m working on the Dwarf already and then it’s onto some more Twisting Catacombs scenery pieces.

Painting Guide

From an undercoat of Black the flesh was basecoated with Dark Fleshtone then layered with Bronze Fleshtone then shaded with Fleshwash, a highlight of Bronze Fleshtone was added and then finally Dwarf Skin on the most prominent features. The hair is Black with a highlight of Black mixed with Cold Grey.

The sword blade, pommel and studs on the belt is Gunmetal, shaded with Black Wash then highlighted with Gunmetal again, while the quillon on the sword is Glorious Gold shaded with Fleshwash, highlighted with Glorious Gold again and then finally with Polished Gold.

The Barbarians belt is Dark Fleshtone, shaded with Umber Wash and then highlighted with Dark Fleshtone and then Dark Fleshtone mixed with Bleached Bone.

The boots and the strapping are Charred Brown and then highlighted in a couple of stages with Charred Brown mixed with increasing quantities of Bleached Bone. The fur on the boots and loincloth is Beasty Brown then shaded with Umber Wash, highlighted with Beasty Brown and then finally with Beasty Brown and Bleached Bone.


Heroquest – Goblins

The Goblins are all done, they took me a bit longer than expected because I painted all the Twisting Catacombs doors I have too.

I’m not entirely sure I’m happy with the skin as prefer more natural tones than bright green but overall I’m pleased. I will have to think whether I want the Orcs to be the same or darker though.

I’ll probably have a go with another hero now to break up the monotony, painting guide for the Goblins down below.

Painting Guide

From a Black undercoat the Goblin skin was base coated with Army Painter Army Green then washed with Vallejo Umber Wash, then a Green Wash and then Umber Wash once again. The skin was then layered with Army Green again. The eyes are Gold Yellow then shaded with a mixture of Red and Yellow Ink, then a Black pupil was added.

The clothes, shoes and weapon grip are all painted the same with a base coat of Earth followed by an Umber Wash, then layered with Earth and then finally with a mix of Earth and Bonewhite. The Belt is Beasty Brown then 2 coats of Umber Wash and a highlight of Beasty Brown.

The Goblins weapons and belt buckle are base coated with Gunmetal then given an Umber and Black mix Wash, highlighted with Gunmetal and then given an Umber and Black Wash again. The shaft on the axe is a base coat of Heavy Sienna, an Umber Wash and then a light dry brush of Heavy Sienna mixed with Gold Yellow.

I varnished the whole model with Army Painter Anti Shine Matt Varnish.
