Merry Christmas – Plague Santa

Well what a strange year 2020 has been, it seemed that this model from Wargames Foundry was the obvious choice this year for a Christmas figure to paint.

Plague Santa Front

Plague Santa Back

I quite enjoyed painting him as he’s relatively simple to do which is just what I wanted after a long break from painting, unfortunately the last couple of years have been very busy for me with a close family member dying and my business has been growing very quickly and then this year I’ve had building work been carried out so I haven’t had much time for any painting for a long time. Things are hopefully settling down now though so my new years resolution is to get painting as much as I can as I’ve still been buying miniatures like a mad man.

I imagine this year has been pretty terrible for many people but I hope you have had at least something to celebrate, but lets hope for a better New Year and Happy Christmas to you all.

Painting Guide below –

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Firstly welcome to our blog, this is our first blog so please forgive any website glitches, we’lI hopefully improve the appearance and content of the site of the coming weeks.

This blog will attempt to chronicle our painting and modelling exploits although updates will probably be erratic with a flurry of posts followed by long silences. Our interests are quite wide and varied from old Citadel Miniatures long out of production to brand new releases like the Alien Vs Predator board game by Prodos Games. We’ll try and review a few products and tools too as we spend far too much on our hobby, it’s the reverse of alchemy we turn gold into lead.

If you’re wondering why “The Brothers Grimm” for our blog name, we really are two brothers from Yorkshire who both like fantasy stories, and citadel miniatures made two Orc figures in the 80’s called The Brothers Grimm which we luckily own (still unpainted) as you can see –
