Lord of the Rings – Army of the Dead

I was after something quick and easy to paint as I try and get back into painting more regularly this year this year, so after a look through my huge to paint stack I settled on the Army of the Dead as I have all the miniatures and they looked easy enough.

Army of the Dead

I was never keen on the way GW painted theirs thinking they looked much too grey and stone like, after I checked the film they looked much greener so I went with that colour scheme.Army of the Dead Kings & Heralds


Painting Guide below –


A very simple paintjob using Games Workshop paints for a change I started with Grey Seer basecoat, then washed everything with Hexwraith Flame, when that was dry I washed any metal details with Drakenhof Nightshade. Only the King of the Dead I washed his cloak with Carroburg Crimson. Finally a light drybrush of Ulthaun Grey all over the model.

Army of the Dead Cavalry

The base is painted how I paint all my Lord of the Rings bases with Beasty Brown and then given an Umber Wash, it was then dry brushed with Beasty Brown, Leather Brown and finally Bonewhite with each dry brush getting lighter, and then finished with static grass.
