Heroquest – Skeletons

The first of my Heroquest figures are more or less done, they didn’t take long at all as the figures are so basic, waiting for the washes to dry was probably the longest part.

heroquest_skeletonI’m quite pleased with the result for a quick job, I’m still unsure how I’m going to base the figures yet so I have just painted it grey for now, I would like them to match the Heroquest board but as each room is a different colour that’s impossible and I don’t want to cut the figure from the base to attach it to a scenic one so I’ll have to think a bit more about this.

Now I’m going to start work on the Mummies.

I’ve posted a painting guide below so I don’t forget how I did it and hopefully someone will find it useful.

Painting Guide

Unless I say otherwise all my paints are Vallejo Game Color as I like them the best, but there are conversion charts out there if you use another manufacturer.

The Skeletons body I started with a Beasty Brown base coat then dry brushed Bonewhite followed by a Sepia Wash, I then lightly dry brushed a 50/50 mix of Bonewhite and Off White I thought they still looked a little pale so I gave it another wash of watered down Sepia to finish off.

For the weapon the blade was a Tinny Tin base coat then stippled with Gunmetal followed by a Sepia Wash and then a Black Wash. The handle is Charred Brown and then simply highlighted with Earth.

The Base is unfinished at the moment with just coat of Cold Grey. I finished the figures off with a coat of Army Painters Anti Shine Matt Varnish.
