HeroQuest – Elf Hero

The first of the Heroes are done, I actually enjoyed painting this one which is good because I have quite a large Warhammer 3rd Edition Wood Elf army to paint at some point in the future. I’ve tried to paint the Elf like he appears on the box artwork and I don’t think he’s too far off.

heroquest_elfI think I’ll move on the Goblins now as I’ve bought the Kellar’s Keep expansion again so I have a few to paint.

Painting Guide for the Elf below

The trousers and shoulder thing were painted with Leather Brown, given an Umber Wash highlighted with Leather Brown and then final highlights with Leather Brown mixed with Bleached Bone

The Elfs belt, boots, and pouches were painted with Beasty Brown, then covered with an Umber Wash, followed by another Umber Wash to darken it a little more, then Beasty Brown before a final highlight of Beasty Brown mixed with Bleached Bone. The studs are Gunmetal then a Black Wash and a final highlight of Gunmetal.

I Painted the shirt with a basecoat of Heavy Red, shaded with Black Wash, then worked through the highlights with layers of Gory Red, Scarlett Red and finally Bloody Red.

The sword blade was painted with Gunmetal followed by a Black Wash, I then highlighted the blade with Gunmetal and Chainmail. The pommel and hilt are Glorious Gold followed by Fleshwash, highlighted with Glorious Gold again then finally with Polished Gold on the edges.

The Elfs skin was painted with a basecoat of Dark Flesh, then Dwarf Flesh was added to all but the deepest recesses followed by a Fleshtone Wash. I highlighted with Dwarf Flesh again and then final highlights with Elf Flesh. The Eyes are just Dead White with a dot of Black for the pupil.

The hair is basecoated with Heavy Brown, shaded with Umber Wash, highlighted with Heavy Brown mixed with Bleached Bone and then a final highlight of pure Bleached Bone.
