Twisting Catacombs – Doors

Some time last year I backed Twisting Catacombs Dungeon Scenery by Zealot Miniatures, it arrived earlier this week and it is fantastic quality stuff with great detail and a perfect replacement for Heroquest’s cardboard furniture. So I set aside the Goblins I’m working on and started on some doors.

Twisting Catacombs DoorsI’ve got lots more furniture and scenery work on but for now I’d better get back to the Goblins.

Painting Guide

The doors are very easy to paint I started with an all over black undercoat.

I started on the door frame and base with a heavy drybrush of Cold Grey was first applied so that most of the Black undercoat was covered except in the deepest recesses, I then shaded the model with a mix of Black and Umber Wash. I then drybrushed with Cold Grey, Stonewall Grey and finally Ghost Grey getting lighter with each colour. Because drybrushing leaves a grainy finish I used a very watered down Black Wash (75% water) to smooth out the drybrushing and darken the model a little.

The wooden door was base coated with Heavy Sienna, given a watered down Black Wash then highlighted with Heavy Sienna mixed with Bleached Bone in equal quantities, the final highlight was a mix of 2 parts Heavy Sienna, 1 part Bleached Bone  and 2 parts Gold Yellow.

The metal detailing was base coated with Gunmetal then just given shade with an equal mix of Black Wash and Umber Wash. A few edges were highlighted with Gunmetal again.

To finish I used Army Painter Anti Shine Matt Varnish.
